martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

universidad de chile.

the universidad de chile is the team most popular the all country. it team founded of  twenty four of may in 1927 in santiago, at won fourteen titles nationales:1940,1959,1962,1964,1965,1967,1969,1994,1995,1999,2000,2004,2009
his nowadays president is federico valdes 
his teamr coach is  gerardo pelusso
his opponent most big is colo - colo  is super classic and universidad catolica is classic university

2 comentarios:

  1. The universidad de Chile is the biggest team in the world! Today is the "superclasico! I hope universidad de Chile's win. Gerardo Pelusso is very bad coach, and federico valdes is stupid!.
    Good Post :)

  2. We do not agree with his publication to our way find that the equipment mas popular of chili is "COLO-COLO", but we all have different tastes, regards and many fondness
